Pixel: Hearth Division | Econo Air
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Cash back

Cash back fireplace sale happeing now!


At Econo Air, we have various fireplaces to suit your needs. Our recent projects include modern and traditional gas fireplaces, electric fireplaces, and other unique custom designs. 

Visit our showroom to see over 40 burning displays. 

Cash Back Fireplace Sale
Get $600 off PLUS
Cash Back Rebates of $4,150

When Converting from wood burning to an efficient natural gas insert or fireplace. 

Disclaimer: Financing subject to credit approval. See Econo Air for Details.

Discover how fireplaces can bring warmth and style to your home.

At Econo Air, we specialize in remodeling and new-construction fireplaces and inserts.  Our fireplaces come in various styles and sizes to fit any space. We also offer a range of custom solutions to help you create the perfect atmosphere and maximize the efficiency of your fireplace. 

Client Fireplace Before and Afters

Press the arrows on each side to see more.

Make The Switch

We are at the forefront of this movement, offering a wide range of innovative and energy efficient gas fireplace inserts and fireplaces that can help you save money and reduce pollution. Learn more about our recent projects and how we can help you upgrade your home today.

valley air district gas insert switch change out

Design your Mendota fireplace 

luxury fireplace design

Gas & Electric

mendota fireplaces


fireplace install
Kozy heat gas fireplaces


hearthstone fireplaces
fireplaces gas inserts wood stoves
fireplace repair

"Your satisfaction is OUR guarantee!" 

Gary Flanagan

-Gary Flanagan, Owner/President of Econo Air Inc.

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